“I don’t want to tell you how to do your job, but somebody has to.”


Editor | Colorist | Sound Designer

Part Magician, part Ninja. As with both, you won't ever truly pay heed to Nick's skill, because when it comes to his post-production handiwork, its seamless and invisible... not calling attention to the techniques, but rather letting you be swept away in the story. And being the audio-visual wizard that he is, that's just the way that he likes it... leaving you enraptured in the mystery and illusion... completely immersed in the story world.


Writer | Director | Producer

Murph has a keen eye & is a good listener, taking in the people, places, events & emotions... every nuance of the world that surrounds him... letting it resonate within him and connect him to the heart & soul of a Story. STORIES FUEL BRYAN. Hearing them, Crafting them & Sharing them, in whatever form or medium that BEST tells the tale... it is his LOVE of STORIES that enables him to discern the essential essence and unique personality of any Tale and make it COME TO LIFE. Bryan embraces and encourages that timeless truth we all understand deep within our souls... STORIES ARE MAGICAL.

let the interrogation begin.

why do you guys make films?

Because we love to live on the brink of insanity! As Steven Spielberg said, “Making movies is an unnatural act. It’s usually contrary to nature, contrary to human behavior and often Murphy’s Law prevails.” Filmmaking is Extremely CHALLENGING, but in the end, it is TRULY REWARDING. It is the Ultimate Puzzle to Solve. Do the pieces fit? Did we tell a captivating story? Did we engage you? We love & embrace that challenge. We want to tell meaningful, engaging & entertaining stories that sweep you away.  That is Our Mission… it says it right at our front door! “Not here to shoot video. Here to make FILMS.”

why the name digital kinetoscope?

In today’s media landscape, the typical viewer experience is a solo one… viewing it on your own on a smartphone, tablet or computer.  Meanwhile, with the vastness of social media, there has never been a more interactive time to discuss arts & culture and share your opinion with the world. This dynamic has created the modern equivalent of the old-time Kinetoscope, whereby each person would view a film individually at a parlor where groups would meet for the experience and share their thoughts about the films afterwards. Today’s multimedia experience in conjunction with social media has birthed the age of the DIGITAL KINETOSCOPE, which we embrace and hope to share our stories & films across its endless electronic expanse.

how did you two wackos start working together?

During free session at the asylum, Murph witnessed the cunning ability of Nick to extricate himself from his strait-jacket & pick the locks of the doors on their shared ward. Nick recognized Murph’s ability to create elaborate ruses to keep the ward attendants engaged & distracted, as well as to engage his fellow ward-mates in outrageous fun & shenanigans.  After their escape… the two decided to make FILMS.

can i collaborate or work with you guys?

NO! Hmmmmm…. YES. NO. Maybe…. We at DK try to use what limited resources that we have at the time to tell the most immersive, entertaining and engaging stories we can make. We are the “Little Train That Could” of filmmaking with an honest conviction to the principle that great movies can be made with real quality and craftsmanship without millions of dollars, but rather crafted with creativity, dedication and true vision.  If you can get with that… then climb aboard this runaway filmmaking locomotive!!! Choo-Choo!!!

what is the meaning of life?

Do what you love. Love what you do. Just do your best. Find pals to share the journey. Don’t take things too seriously…LAUGH!!! Don’t sweat the small stuff. The rest will fall into place.

“A writer needs a pen, an artist needs a brush, but a filmmaker needs an army.”

Orson Welles director

"I always wanted to give a lecture at film schools. You go in and you see all these fresh faces, and you say: 'You! Stand up, tell me your story. Tell me what your film is going to be about.' And they start, and you go: 'Shut up and sit the fuck down!' And if they do, you go: 'You're not ready.' Because the film business is filled with shut-up and sit-the-fuck-down. You got to be able to tell your story in spite of sit-down and shut-the-fuck-up. If you are going to let something like that derail you, what hope do you have...?"

David Fincher director

"The essence of cinema is editing. It's the combination of what can be extraordinary images of people during emotional moments, or images in a general sense, put together in a kind of alchemy."

Francis Ford Coppola director

“When I start on a film I always have a number of ideas about my project. Then one of them begins to germinate, to sprout, and it is this, which I take and work with. My films come from my need to say a particular thing at a particular time. The beginning of any film for me is this need to express something. It is to make it nurture and grow that I write my script- it is directing it that makes my tree blossom and bear fruit.”

Akira Kurosawa director

"Unlike all the other art forms, film is able to seize and render the passage of time, to stop it, almost to possess it in infinity. I’d say that film is the sculpting of time."

Andrei Tarkovsky director

"It's not about an actor presenting their work to forty people around them. It's the Boom Operator. It's the Camera Operator. It's... can you tweak the light better? Can the person hit the mark better? Can they be in focus better? There are so many aspects. It's not just about the actor. That's the focus of what you are trying to get, but it's a ballet between so many different people. And to me, that's the thing... to make it all coalesce... make it all look effortless."

David Fincher director

"By manipulating what you hear and how you hear it -- and what other things you don't hear -- you can not only help tell the story, you can help the audience get into the mind of the character."

Walter Murch editor

"If you really want to communicate something, even if it’s just an emotion or an attitude, let alone an idea, the least effective and least enjoyable way is directly. It only goes in about an inch. But if you can get people to the point where they have to think a moment what it is you’re getting at, and then discover it, the thrill of discovery goes right through the heart."

Stanley Kubrick director

Not here to shoot video. Here to make FILMS.